

Minimalist Style Guides

Mens Fashion Quotes
Making a place for yourself through your manner and individual style is the first step to embodying the quintessential gentleman. But where would you be if it weren’t for the men whose footsteps you follow?  Reminding yourself of the teachings of timeless icons, those who inspired male fashion to
We’ve all been there. Rushed out of bed by an alarm, we snoozed one too many times,  only to skip breakfast and dash out the door without even taking a shower. You may have savored a few more precious minutes in bed, but you’re half asleep on the commute
How to Look Younger
One of the most difficult parts of aging is how it starts to show. We go from feeling confident in our looks to worrying about wrinkles. The good news is, looking younger can be achieved, and there are ways you can maintain that youthful glow without aesthetic treatments. By
How To Dress Like A Rockstar
In one way or another, we have all been touched by the fever of good old rock n’ roll. It might have been through your parent’s dusty records, old mixtape collections, or a cool clip from an iconic music festival on YouTube. Rock’s influence as a music genre has
How To Dress For A Club
The mass production of COVID-19 vaccines have given us hope that there is now an end to the pandemic in the near future. Knowing that we will eventually be able to go back to our old routines and activities means we can now start making plans with friends and

Hey, we're Nolan and Blake!

Thanks for stopping in. At The Trending Man we believe that the clothes make the man. But it doesn’t take much. All you need in your wardrobe are 15 key items to stay fashionable year-round. More confidence. A better dating life. More time to spend on the things that matter.



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